Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sold BRK, Bought TSRA

SymbolActionQtyAcct TypePriceTotal

I originally bought BRK/B 1 @ $4,374.50 (incl. comm.), so selling at $4,458.97 yielded me $84.47. Which is nice, considering the "fun" I'm experiencing with TSRA. I'm in for a penny and a pound at $2,159.57. Hopefully, the patents don't destroy me. But I'm still wanting to stick around and hoping for a good outcome there. I won't buy in any more than that.

TSRA dipped on news of the patent stuff which stung my position, but that's what happens.

Overall? For now? Up $158.87. Visa needs to bounce one way or another and hopefully not erase my BSC gains.

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