Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Considering Visa...

Correcting from the high yesterday, as expected.

I'm considering pushing a medium play into Visa [V]. They just had their IPO two days ago and they're hovering in the $56 range, having opened at $44. I'm thinking in the short term, they could range up to near $70-$75, but that'd mostly be on hype. I've heard some back-of-napkin value calculations putting their actual value at $40 and that's a big hype bubble to hope for. Either way, let's check back in in a week. I'm predicting mid-60s by this time next week.

(Baseless guess: small gain tomorrow, minor correction to follow, more growth back the next week.)

Liquidity limitations and considering jumping to ThinkOrSwim as my brokerage are all that's keeping me from buying. Let's see how I'd do in imaginary world, assuming I could buy 40 shares at open, shall we?

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